Student Accounts
There are three methods to add funds to your student's lunch account:
- Online Prepay (takes 24 hours to process)
- Personal Check made payable to "Anna ISD Child Nutrition". Please write your child's first and last name on the bottom of the check.
- Cash
Positive balances are carried over to the following school year.
Refunds may be received by completing a district Request for Refund Form.
The Texas Department of Agriculture states schools are not required to serve children who receive reduced-price or full-price meals but do not have the money to pay.
Elementary Charging Policy:
Students are allowed up to two (2) reimbursable meal charges at a time. (When charges occur, written notification to parents will be sent home). In the event that a child arrives without money and still maintains a current balance of two prior charges, a modified meal at a reduced price (.40 lunch, .30 breakfast) will be provided and additional charges will not be allowed until payment is received. (Modified meal: breakfast - milk, lunch - cheese sandwich and a milk) Ala carte items are not permitted to be charged. No charges allowed after May 1st.
Secondary Charging Policy:
No charging allowed at secondary campuses. Under the "No Charge" policy, a student will not be allowed to purchase any meal on credit. In the event that a student is carrying a negative account balance or does not have any or enough money to purchase a meal for that day, a modified meal at a reduced price will be provided. Additional charges will not be allowed until payment is received. (Modified meal: cheese sandwich and a milk)