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Student Accounts

The Child Nutrition Department is on a computerized account system. Each student has an individual account, accessed by a unique account number. We recommend that meals be purchased in advance to eliminate your child from having to bring money to school daily.

There are three methods to add funds to your student's lunch account:

  1. Online Prepay (takes 24 hours to process)
  2. Personal Check made payable to "Anna ISD Child Nutrition".  Please write your child's first and last name on the bottom of the check.
  3. Cash

Positive balances are carried over to the following school year.

Refunds may be received by completing a district Request for Refund Form.

The Texas Department of Agriculture states schools are not required to serve children who receive reduced-price or full-price meals but do not have the money to pay.

Elementary Charging Policy:
Students are allowed up to two (2) reimbursable meal charges at a time. (When charges occur, written notification to parents will be sent home). In the event that a child arrives without money and still maintains a current balance of two prior charges, a modified meal at a reduced price (.40 lunch, .30 breakfast) will be provided and additional charges will not be allowed until payment is received. (Modified meal: breakfast - milk, lunch - cheese sandwich and a milk) Ala carte items are not permitted to be charged. No charges allowed after May 1st.

Secondary Charging Policy:
No charging allowed at secondary campuses. Under the "No Charge" policy, a student will not be allowed to purchase any meal on credit. In the event that a student is carrying a negative account balance or does not have any or enough money to purchase a meal for that day, a modified meal at a reduced price will be provided. Additional charges will not be allowed until payment is received. (Modified meal: cheese sandwich and a milk)